Special prayer gathering with Melanie Dupuis, Canadian seer

Special prayer gathering with Melanie Dupuis, Canadian seer

Felipe Pérez Martí

July 12, 2024

Hi, everybody. I highly recommend joining this special prayer gathering with Melanie Dupuis and Stephan Renoud.


Even if you did not join in real time, it is as if you did. And you get a lot of miracles, as Melanie refers, after the chaplet of the Two Most Holy Hearts, and the chaplet of the Resurrection of the body. I do it every day. And when I can, twice a day. This is real, dear friends. The triumph of the Immaculate Heart is happening, right now. It is true that the devil is advancing a lot around the world. But God is responding with this. The battle is on. In the end, the victory in this war will be complete (after the “three days of darkness”, remember, within the Great Tribulation, just before the start of the Era of Peace). In the meantime, we achieve significant victories in many battles. Each gathering brings about several victories in various battles, for example within a person, a family, or a community.


I pass you the texts of the prayers below. Please forward to many people, so that all of them benefit from this amazing grace:

Prayer of Consecration to the Triumphant Heart of Mary

Message from St. Michael the Archangel to Melanie Dupuis on the 20th of June, 2024

I am St. Michael the Archangel.

I come to you to guide you toward the Holy Virgin Mary.

She desires the Unity of all her children to bring about the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart.

Enter the Ark which is Her triumphant Heart through the Chaplet of the Two Most Holy Hearts. Thus you will be Safe wherever you are, for She wants you free from all human reasoning.

Take the Shield of Faith and hold it firmly, for it will drive back the enemy with its Light.

A fast is requested of you every Friday; if possible, also on Tuesday.

Remain in Trust and Love.

This message is universal and of great Blessing. Please publish it widely.

I bless you and assure you of my Protection when you invoke me.

Message from our Lady the Virgin Mary to Melanie Dupuis on the 20th of June, 2024

I am the Holy Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception.

Times are coming, my children, when you will need to give your definite yes to consecrate yourselves to the Love of my Son, Christ, the Word made flesh.

You know, Love irradiates and is a Source of Light.

I invite you to my Son's table, so that your Nourishment is to help the poorest and the most deprived of Charity.

Pray! pray! Pray so that Love reigns on all hearts through the Mercy you extend to others and to yourselves.

The more a heart loves, the more my Son can establish Himself there to grant multiple graces and blessings through that heart.

Do not wait until it is too late to grant your forgiveness, but repay your mutual debts to be led to the Fullness Grace.

My Immaculate Heart overflows with Grace and Tenderness for each of you.

Come to my Immaculate Heart by consecrating yourselves daily to my Heart and that of my Son, for where the Heart of a Mother reigns, the Miracles of Christ come in abundance.

I tell you these things, my children, to give you more Light so that your steps are illuminated and you climb the mountain of Love with full Trust.

Here is my plan: Love one another according to the Love that unites our Two Most Holy Hearts. Thus the truth will be in you.

I love you, my children. Take advantage of this time of Grace to turn towards our Two Most Holy Hearts. Our Hearts are attentive to the Voice of your Supplications.

I bless you.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBcqpW32QzE&t=342s

Chaplet of the Two Most Holy Hearts

Remark: If you don't have the special rosary issued for this purpose, use the se the normal rosaries, in the last three decades. The "Our Father" beads play the role of the read beads in the special rosary. The Hail Mary beads play the role of the blue ones. The three Hail Mary beads at the end of the rosary play the role of the white beads in the special rosary

Prayer inspired by Saint Padre Pio

By your infinite Mercy, Oh Abba-Father, I cover myself with the merits of the Two Most Holy Hearts of Jesus Christ and Mary, the Immaculate Conception, for your greater glory and out of love for souls in Purgatory. Amen!

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Precious Blood of Christ, cover us.

R. Veni Sancte Spiritus ! (Come, Holy Spirit!)

Mary, Mother of Mercy,

R. extend your immaculate mantle over us! Amen!

On the Miraculous Medal: Credo (I believe in God ... )

Suggested intentions:

-First decade: For the souls in Purgatory, including the most forgotten

-Second decade: For the priests, the sick and the dying.

-Third decade: For UNIFICATION: the unity of nations and families, the return of children to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

On the red bead before each of the 3 decades:

Hail, O Most Holy Hearts of Jesus Christ and Mary, burning with Love for each one of us. You consume us with Love for You, and You show us the true Way, which 1s to love our neighbor as ourselves.Prayer of Consecration to the Triumphant Heart of Mary:

R. O Most Holy Hearts of Jesus Christ and Mary, we consecrate ourselves to You with all the love of our hearts, now and for Eternal Life. Amen. Prayer of Consecration to the Triumphant Heart of Mary:

On the 10 blue beads:

Hail, 0 Immaculate Heart of Mary, from whom grace overflows. You are united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ and you both bless those who consecrate themselves to your Two Hearts.

R. O Most Holy Hearts of Jesus Christ and Mary, burning with Love for us, pray for all souls of the earth, so that all may be saved. Amen.

After the 3 decades, return to the 1st red bead:

All patron saints, and the entire heavenly court,

R. pray for us, and for all humanity! Amen!

On the 3 white beads:

(Repeat three times) I give you everything, Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. I give you everything, Immaculate Heart of Mary. Hearts of Light, watch over my family, and over the whole world. Amen.

FINAL PRAYER: Father, that Your Divine Will be done! Amen!

"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, 0 Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls." Prayer by Pope Leo XIII

Source: https://www.heartsoftheholyfamily.org/post/unveiling-the-meaning-and-significance-of-the-chaplet-of-the-two-most-holy-hearts

Chaplet of the Resurrection of the body

Given by our Lord Jesus Christ to Melanie Dupuis

(Use the normal rosary)

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

At the beginning of the rosary:

Our Father... Hail Mary... I believe in God...

With each large (Our Father) bead:

Eternal Father, I offer you the Glorious Body, the glorified Blood, the Glorious Soul and the Divinity of Your beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ,

R. Asking You through Him for the grace to welcome the Holy City.

With the 10 small beads:

Through His Resurrection,

R. make our Bodies Glorious.

Final prayer to be said 3 times:

Holy God, mighty God, Eternal Holy One,Final prayer to be said 3 times:

R. We glorify You for the miracles you perform in your Church. Amen.

Last prayers:

“O Blood and Water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus Christ as a Fountain of Mercy for us,

R. I trust in you. [1]»

Jesus Christ, I trust in You [1] (Repeat three times, all together)

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Source: Triomphedesdeuxcoeurs.com

Note 1. Prayer received by Saint Faustina

Prayer of Consecration to the Triumphant Heart of Mary


This prayer is a request received from Heaven. The Holy Virgin asks us to recite this Prayer of Consecration to her Triumphant Heart for three and a half years in her presence, starting from the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord to Mary that started on March 25, 2023.

Let us help Mary triumph through her Immaculate Heart:

«I thank you, my dear children, and I grant you my maternal blessing in this time of tribulations faced by the Church and the world. Remain united to my Immaculate Heart. I have obtained the following grace from Father Abba: That all my children who recite this prayer will receive an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I accompany you day by day. I bless you.»

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, to the God who is, who was, and who is to come, for ever and ever. Amen!

Prayer of Consecration:

I submit myself to your true Heart, my most honored Mother. You fight the enemy and conquer him with your triumphant Heart. Your Heart is filled with a new hope, like a new Ark of Noah, but triumphant.

Mary, your Heart is to me like an Ark of the Covenant descending from the Holy City and imposing its spiritual Kingship over its adopted sons and daughters. I submit to you, O immaculate Heart of Mary. You surround me with your goodness and quench my thirst with the Living Water of the Lord. You are my fortress, O Queen of all saints, you who submit peoples to your Son out of pure desire to please him. You consecrate our souls to him yourself, you await our yes and you never cease to invite us to respond to your call.

Together, we say yes to your immaculate and glorious Heart, for you have ascended in body and soul to be with your divine Son. The divine decrees are such that we already enjoy the happiness of possessing God, having Mary as our Mother who defends us with her right foot against the enemy. Yes, Mary, you crush his head and he can only go to your heel. Mary, with the help of the Prince of the Heavenly Host, you cast him down to the depths of hell in this very moment. He is defeated at your sight. Show him your divine treasures and clothe your adopted sons and daughters, as we are.

Amen! Hallelujah! Let your immaculate Heart reign over us by the very power you received from the Father. Let all glory and honor be given to God alone, who is, who was, and who is to come, for ever and ever. Amen.