Electoral Megafraud will impose Kamala Harris. A popular insurrection will rescue democracy

Electoral Megafraud will impose Kamala Harris. A popular insurrection will rescue democracy

Felipe Pérez Martí*

October 15, 2024.

1. Introduction: What system prevails in the United States. A democracy or a kleptocracy?

To analyze the issue of who would win in the US presidential election, it is crucial to determine whether it is a de jure conflict or a de facto one. If we are in a democracy, the will of the citizens decides, through voting, the one who wins the elections. But if we are in a dictatorship, what counts for the election is the dictator's decision. In the case of dictatorships, elections are frequently used to create the appearance of democracy, not because there is any doubt that the dictator will remain in power. If there were a democracy in the United States, the prediction would be clear: Donald Trump would win. Such a statement could be based, sufficiently, on only two indicators that measure real voting intention: the number of people who go to the respective political rallies, on the one hand, and on the surveys, on the other, which include those of the results of the presidential and vice-presidential debates. Currently, there are reliable polls that give Trump an advantage of about twenty points over Kamala Harris, with a trend that indicates that this difference is only increasing.

But in the United States there is no democracy. And there is something worse than a simple dictatorship: it is a kleptocracy, a system in which a group of criminals acts as dictator of the country. As we will show, it is a cartel of criminal mafias, the aptly named “Deep State.” In fact, as we argue at the end in religious terms, which is independently confirmed by our previous rational analysis, it is a “demoncracy”, a social system in which demons, under the command of Satan, govern the political destinies of the respective country. In that context, which is the true one, as we will argue, Kamala Harris would be certified as the winner, regardless of who gets, behind the scenes, the most votes.

2. The 2020 electoral fraud and the conclusion: the United States is no longer democratic

To make this statement I base myself on two facts: one, that Joe Biden's government is not legitimate. This is a president who was imposed as a result of electoral fraud. My proof in this sense has a strong theoretical basis, using economics tools, as can be seen in the document referenced below, entitled “Conspiracy and Fraud in the United States” [1]. There I the Principal-Agent theory and Signaling Games to show that Biden's camp was not able to send what is called in game theory, a “costly signal” that would delimit him as the winner: instead of being transparent and encouraging verification of the result, as someone who wants to show his true “type” would do, clearing up doubts, in the presence of asymmetric information, he dedicated himself at that time and has continued to do so since tChicken, to systematically prevent any type of independent citizen investigation by respect. Not only that: he has dedicated himself systematically to politically and judicially persecuting, from the State, those who have tried to clarify the related facts.

The conclusion is robust, as technically demonstrated using the theories cited as a concrete application for this case, using publicly available empirical evidence on the behavior of the two key agents in the conflict: the Biden camp and the Trump camp. While Joe Biden is convicted in the mock trial, Trump is acquitted. He is declared the winner of the elections and is classified as the legitimate president, fraudulently stripped of his victory. Joe Biden, meanwhile, is classified as an illegitimate president, imposed by a coup d'état. A new generation coup, carried out not with military weapons, but with economic, media and quasi-legal weapons, including the corrupt electoral system in decisive places.

After 2020, especially since the release of censorship as a result of the acquisition of X by Elon Musk, abundant empirical evidence has been documented that clearly shows fraud. Here is a small sample in this regard, of many that can be found referenced in X, in an article titled “The scandal of the century: how the election was stolen” [(2)]. The conclusion reached is that the United States, from that moment, ceased to be a democracy.

3. Theory of kleptocracy in the United States: rent-seeking as a system

In the document I do something additional to the proof of fraud: I introduce the theory of the conspiracy to commit electoral fraud in 2020, carried out by a mafia cartel, as a new theoretical status quo applicable to the United States, given the evidence presented. For this, extending the diagnosis of the Venezuelan reality, on the empire of “rent-seeking” in the presence of the socio-political disease, called in specialized literature as “Curse of Abundance.” I conclude that the United States began to suffer from a variant of that disease in which rent-seeking prevails as a system. In any democracy there are rentseekers: businessmen who use their contacts in State institutions to gain advantages that allow them to compete favorably with their peers in the market, generating inefficiency through high prices and low or defective production. Rent-seeking, as a system, occurs when a group of rent-seekers captures the State as such, going far beyond some individual officials, and turns it into an instrument of their economic objectives.

The country, in these circumstances, ceases to be a democracy, because instead of serving the citizens, its presumed owners, it begins to serve the aforementioned cartel of hunting mafias-rent. It thus becomes a kleptocratic system, with serious consequences not only on the civil rights of citizens, and on economic inefficiency and corruption in public institutions, but also on its perpetuation over time.

4. Dynamics of the rent-seeking system

In the document I speak on the dynamic characteristics of the rentseeking system: it is a system with a central point called “fixed point” that is stable, to which it converges in time. Although control of the presidency of the republic does not mean that the entire system is captured by the cartel of rent-seeking mafias, that step changes, in my opinion, the systemic nature of the socio-political regime in a country. This is a definitive step forward that changes its systemic dynamics. From now on, all institutions would tend to be captured by the mafia cartel, which could very well be called the “Deep State”, also due to its international connotations. If that is true, from that moment on it behaves like a “black hole” in astrophysics: once you cross that edge, you do not leave the system and you tend to its center, the fixed point, where absolutely all the Institutions, such as the governorships, Congress, the judicial system, the police and national security agencies, would be captured. Even if apparently there is democracy and parties that are not directly dominated by the president of the republic. This transformation of the socio-political system in the United States is what happened, in my opinion, with the coup d'état that installed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the government. If this is so, only the advent of an exogenous shock to the system, with sufficient force, will be able to change the system and impose a new dynamic. For example, a democratic republican system, which begins to converge to what the founders of that country conceived, which is reflected in the Constitution, with its amendments. An endogenous shock, within the system, will not change the system. Some elections have these characteristics.

Without extending this document, analyzing the multiple ways in which fraud would be committed (media control, illegal immigration, false ballots, use of electoral machines to change the result), democratic elections do not guarantee that one leaves the system. On the contrary, they strengtChicken it. Never mind the complaints of those who know that Donald Trump should win, according to the polls, etc. It would happen like in Venezuela: despite the obvious fraud, the candidate of the rent-seeking system reaffirms itself. It is in that context that the assassination attempts against Donald Trump must be seen. Its legal channeling based on montages to interfere in the electoral result. The action of agencies such as the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Justice and the Department of Internal Affairs. Etcetera, etcetera.

5. Popular insurrection with patriotic military support

I think the Deep State is not going to let Trump win the presidency. They don't care that the patriots know that another fraud is being carried out. Like in Venezuela. It will become even clearer, for the patriots, that the struggle is not political, legal. It is de facto. In fact, the Deep State also knows that the patriot side, for the most part, will know this. And they know that they are going to try to organize a legitimate popular insurrection, with military and police support. Therefore, the Department of Defense issued an order in which armed force can be used internally [See (3)]

In fact, in the United States it is not like in Venezuela, where the people in the streets do not have weapons. In that country the patriotic people are armed, based on the Constitution. The second amendment of said Constitution of that country says, verbatim: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Furthermore, they have support from at least half, if not more, of the military personnel. And the police. Although the Deep State manages the military leadership, and there is a part of the Democratic Party that would support Kamala in the fraud, the patriots are surely organizing for the eventual violent confrontation. And they know that they have a majority, which would be evident after some confrontation skirmishes to calibrate forces. The simplest game to model what would happen in the end is the Hawk and the Chicken, of which plasma one of its versions:

Deep State
Hawk Chicken
US Patriots Hawk (1 ; -1) (10 ; 0)
Chicken (0 ; 10) (5 ; 5)

Without going into too many details so as not to extend the document, the two Nash equilibria when the players know what strength they have and what strength the opponent has, are (Chicken, Hawk) and (Hawk, Chicken). Force calibration skirmishes are essential. The patriotic side knows that if they allow fraud to take place, they will lose the country and they will lose their lives and that of their family. It is very possible that they decide to “burn the ships”, so that they have no other option but to play Hawk. Or “cut off your arm,” so as not to fall into temptation and play Chicken if the Deep State plays Hawk. In that context, the patriotic side would take up arms. And in the end he would win the war.

6. The prophecy of the civil war in the United States.

Our Blessed Mother Mary, on October 5, 2015, gave the renowned visionary Luz de María de Bonilla the following prophecy:

• "The great Nation of the north, the United States, will be communist without being so, it will hate My Son and therefore will bring upon itself the chaos of its people. The civil war comes, causing great pain to the people. It is not far off that this will reach the United States."

In another, more recent prophecy, Luz de María de Bonilla reveals the third secret that our Mother Mary had given her thirteen years ago: the Antichrist has secretly received all power, from the elites, since October 2, 2024. Let us remember that the Antichrist is a puppet of Satan himself. The Deep State was also, but now power is more focused, to be better controlled. This is a fight between good and evil.

There is no better context than the one presented, in terms of elections and insurrectionary civil war, to understand these prophecies. And there is no better argument to see it, that I know of, than the one presented. That the good side will win in the end in this conflict is reflected in God's Plan for these apocalyptic times [see (4)]. What will happen in the United States is crucial to the global plan, and is part of it.

Notes and references:

  • Felipe Pérez Martí has ​​a Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Chicago. His thesis advisor was Robert Lucas, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1995.

1. Conspiracy and fraud in the US:


2. A sample regarding the evidence on the 2020 electoral fraud: “The scandal of the century: how the election was stolen”


3. https://x.com/tyrannideris/status/1846246281544397307

4. God's Plan for apocalyptic times:
