St Joseph will take care of the needy. Right now
St Joseph will take care of the needy. Right now
Felipe Pérez Martí
February 13, 2025.
Dear all. This is a translation from the original article, in Spanish:
This version has been edited in order to include two important pieces of information from Heaven. First, the revelation by St Joseph through St Carbel to Mélanie Dupuis: his message to help is universal: it can be used by any person worldwide. I asked her if the message was only for Venezuelans or to any person worldwide. She responded on Friday 15th:
Saint Charbel me répond que ce message de Saint Joseph est universel.
Which means, in English:
Saint Charbel answers me that this message from Saint Joseph is universal.
Second, I also asked if St. Joseph would provide medicines. The answer is that the food provided by him, upon being blessed, will work as medication. And he will perform curative miracles when needed and asked for.
I have received messages of immense graces from Saint Joseph and from our Mother in heaven, Mary. Something amazing and unique in the entire history of humanity, since Adam and Eve left Paradise. The reason is that we are in apocalyptic times, when unique things happen and Heaven responds to counteract and defeat the advances of evil.
As you know, I had conveyed to the Messenger of God, Mélanie Dupuis, the clamor of our Venezuelan people. For liberation, and for food and health. Through her, God Heavenly Father had already sent me a message assuring prompt liberation, as you will see here:
God the Father had also promised to help those most in need, suffering from famine and medical neglect. Here Saint Charbel, also through Mélanie, specified that this would also be granted if we had faith:
Below I send you the complete message from God the Father, not revealed in full before, because it has to do with the mercy from heaven revealed today.
Today God’s promise of food aid is materialized through the saint who is a specialist in that matter, regarding household things, as the head of the family who is from the Holy Family, Saint Joseph. Mélanie sent me an urgent message from him this morning via email, translated from French into English. But on the way home she sent me by text a complementary message from our Blessed Mother, which says like this, translated from French, stated below. The text said:
1. Message from our Blessed Mother Mary
“Hello Felipe.
“I just sent you the email and the Blessed Virgin Mary just spoke to me and wants you to participate in Saint Joseph's request to transmit this writing to the people of Venezuela.
“She requests a total and sincere yes from each inhabitant. Her plan is this: She will place invisible Miraculous Medals every time she is summoned using this prayer:
"O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee"
“You will understand when you read the message of Saint Joseph that it is very important to say our yes.”
2. Message from Saint Joseph:
Below I will explain the meaning of all this, and how to proceed to obtain the respective miracles of food and healings. Meanwhile, I pass on the message of Saint Joseph, which is central to realizing the promise that God Heavenly Father originally gave us. It goes like this:
February 13, 2025
Message from Saint Joseph – February 13, 2025
Received by Mélanie Dupuis at 10:00 AM
“I am Saint Joseph. Write down this message concerning Felipe and Venezuela.
“Receive this Good Bread of the Word of Christ, for it will multiply your efforts toward your Liberation so that Peace may reign in your country.
“I will come to you to nourish you. You must first bless one another, for this Blessing will be returned to you a hundredfold.
“Yes, I am here as an adoptive Father who takes care of his children. Pray and ask for my support, for I desire to be present for each of you.
“Heaven is in your hearts and will manifest according to the Measure of your Trust in the Most Holy Virgin Mary, who is already triumphing through your “yes.”
“I bless you!
“Remain humble in all of this.
“Saint Joseph, your Nourishing Father”
3. Summary Plan of the Request for Miracles and Comments
In summary, to receive the miracle of food (which will also help the liberation of our countries, according to what St Joseph himself says):
Make the prayer invoking our Mother from heaven Mary and her support in this matter:
"O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."
At that very moment, she will be displaying an invisible Miraculous Medal before you, for your benefit in what you are asking for. With this invocation, you will be giving your “Yes” to her.
Bless yourselves with each other. In the family and/or community environment. Extend that blessing to all Venezuelans (or to all your country people). And to all the people around the world.
Ask Saint Joseph for what you need. Do this with faith. He will grant it by asking God the Father, who made the original promise and is the original source of all miracles.
Note that you must bless even your enemies. There is no need to distinguish between Chavistas and non-Chavistas (in the case of Venezuela). Between rightists and leftists. Among those who support the government or the opposition. You should not harbor hatred or resentment, as this is an impediment to the miracles you are requesting being performed. Remember that Jesus Christ requires us, as an essential requirement, to love even our enemies.
Let's multiply this message. I propose that whoever receives it should spread it at least ten times. It must reach each and every Venezuelan. In the territory and in the diaspora. And every person in the whole world, since this applies to every person in the world who is in need. Let us note that Saint Joseph promises miracles of feeding. But we now know that you can ask for healing too. And this includes all kinds of illnesses, be it physical (body, the economy), psychological or spiritual. If you receive food by miracle, that will be used, after the required blessings, as a medicine. If you do not need physical food, ask for healing directly. In any case, illness is the manifestation of evil in us, and healing includes the defeat of evil in all its forms in our persons.
Please report the miracles received. That will serve as a testimony so that the good news spreads more and more and everyone benefits from it.
Remember that these miracles are extraordinary. They are unprecedented, since we are in apocalyptic times. They are related to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of our Holy Mother Mary, promised at Fátima. Diseases and famines have their origin in evil, in Satan and other demons. A triumph implies a battle. In this way, good defeats evil. Our Mother from heaven defeats Satan and all his demons. And the Sacred Heart of Jesus reigns in us and our countries when Her triumph gets established from then on.
4. Annex: Message from God Heavenly Father
I can now reveal the full content of the message that Heavenly Father God sent me through Mélanie, because it has to do with this. It says like this:
Hello Felipe. Abba, our Heavenly Father, has a message for you today.
"My beloved son, I have chosen you with your heart of compassion in order to deploy through your yes, given to my Heart of good Father, help to all my suffering children.
"You are dear to me, my son.
"I deploy a special help to all my children through you.
"When your charism of compassion is there for your loved ones, offer me this Cross that you carry and I will relieve them.
"I have spared the suicide of several of my children through your offerings.
"Since their cross is heavy on your shoulders, welcome my light which becomes healing for them through your heart.
"I bless you.
"I will intervene shortly for your people. I have heard their cries. Remain in Trust, my son. You will obtain everything through the wounds of my Son."
So far. Blessings to all. Cordially and we remain pending, that now is when the good comes (for those who have faith and those who draw closer to God if they have been far away),