Antidote to the Poison of the COVID Vaccine

Revisión del 15:51 10 mar 2025 de Felipeperezmarti (discusión | contribs.)
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Antidote to the Poison of the COVID Vaccine

Felipe Pérez Martí

February 28, 2025

Dear All,

Our Most Holy Mother revealed to Mélanie Dupuis, the Canadian prophetess I’ve spoken about, that COVID-19 vaccines contain a poison specifically designed to decimate humanity. Science is beginning to demonstrate that conspiracy theories on this matter were true, as can be confirmed through a search on X using Grok (not Google, which, at least in the past, has been implicated in concealing the truth on this topic). However, credible prophecies had already forewarned of this (see [1]).

Mélanie Dupuis informs me that our Heavenly Mother wishes for this truth to be revealed to her faithful and for the remedy—free and profoundly beneficial—that She has provided for all of us to be made accessible. It’s critical to note that this poison affects not only the body, as science is now evidencing, but also the soul, an area beyond scientific knowledge. To apply this remedy, only one thing is required: faith. This remedy is miraculous, and, as Jesus required of those who sought His help 2,000 years ago, it demands faith. Faith moves mountains, but unbelief condemns us to death. Today, this dichotomy—offering no middle ground—is truer than ever.

The antidote consists of praying the Chaplet of the Two Most Holy Hearts daily, which I have already mentioned to you previously. You can find it here: [2].

In other prophecies, it had already been warned that both COVID and its vaccines come from the devil (see [1]). Our Most Holy Mother had already warned about this before, and now She wants us to spread this more widely, along with the antidote we present to you today, for the benefit of all humanity, which has been subjected to censorship in this and many other matters. Moreover, this Chaplet offers numerous additional benefits that make it exceptionally attractive. Among them are:

  • It offers a Refuge against the Apocalyptic Great Tribulation: protecting us from the foretold cataclysms and the effects of war, including nuclear, before the Warning, while multiplying food for us. This is what it means to be welcomed into the Ark of Mary’s Immaculate Heart.
  • It heals many diseases, even those deemed incurable.
  • It helps countless souls in Purgatory (benefiting us in return, as they pray for us out of gratitude).
  • It unites families, supports the youth, and fosters peace.
  • It protects and liberates from demons the places where it is prayed and the souls who recite it, achieving the necessary exorcism against the spiritual poisons of the COVID vaccines.

These benefits may seem astonishing, even to the faithful who are aware of the prophecies of these “last evil times.” Yet Mélanie has been blessed by God with a crucial, unprecedented mission for these apocalyptic times. I’ve already mentioned that she prophesied our imminent liberation in Venezuela (see [3]) and introduced us to the miraculous multiplication of food in these times (see [4]).

Beyond that, Mélanie’s mission is to announce and promote the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of our Heavenly Mother, Mary Most Holy, in her apocalyptic battle against Satan and all his demons—a triumph promised during her apparitions in Fatima, Portugal. Additionally, she announces and promotes the establishment of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, which materializes as this victory over the evil one is achieved.

It’s noteworthy that Jesus Himself emphasized to Mélanie that her mission is rooted in love, not fear. God takes into account the specific circumstances of all His children in His work of salvation, embracing both those guided by fear to varying degrees and those guided by love, also in its various levels. The mission of the Two Most Sacred Hearts, as its name suggests, centers on the love that Jesus and Mary share for each other and the love they both profess for all of God’s children, “good” and “bad” alike.

It’s significant that this triumph and reign will unfold in multiple ways and through various instruments, as God has a perfect plan that encompasses all necessary aspects given the complexity of this situation. This plan includes acts of infinite mercy, such as the Warning I’ve spoken of, but also acts of justice, like the Great Tribulation, during which all world governments that do not obey God’s laws on Earth will be overthrown. The Great Tribulation will involve not only a generalization of conventional warfare, with its associated famines and pandemics, but also nuclear, chemical, and bacteriological wars that would completely destroy the Earth and humanity if God did not intervene. I’ve addressed this as well (see [4]).

God’s instruments, implemented through Mélanie, operate in a unique way—from the bottom up: through the souls that pray. These souls multiply the spiritual and physical impact of this triumph and reign in their communities, cities, countries, and across the entire world. They are soldiers in this battle between good and evil: spiritual soldiers.

Yet often, they are also material soldiers—for example, by providing food and healing to the most vulnerable through the action of St. Joseph, as noted in reference [3]. I have no doubt that St. José Gregorio Hernández, declared a saint (though his formal canonization is still pending) by Pope Francis, will play a crucial role alongside St. Joseph, his namesake. He was the doctor of the poor, and the mission entrusted to us by God the Heavenly Father through St. Joseph is to assist the most destitute. I am certain that St. José Gregorio’s actions will accompany St. Joseph worldwide, as the work of our celestial Adoptive Father is universal, as St. Charbel told Mélanie.

Given that God’s works are interwoven in His Plan for these times, many of these souls will also participate—directly or indirectly—as soldiers against the evil one in his many manifestations, in the politico-military armies of liberation that will act on behalf of Jesus Christ to overthrow corrupt governments under the influence of the Antichrist.

In closing, an important detail: This Chaplet has received the Apostolic Blessing (see [6] for the positive effects of this ecclesial grace), granted both by Pope St. John Paul II during his lifetime in the year 2000 and by Benedict XVI, who appeared to Mélanie for this very purpose a few days after his death.

Greetings and blessings, in union of prayers in the Light of Jesus Christ, through the Immaculate Heart of our Holy Mother Mary and the Heart of Truth of our adoptive father, St. Joseph.



[1] See, for example:

[2] Chaplet of the Two Most Sacred Hearts:,_Canadian_seer

[3] Hopeful Message from God the Father to the Venezuelan People:

[4] St. Joseph’s Help Available Now:

[5] God’s Plan for Apocalyptic Times:

[6] Summary of the Benefits of an Apostolic Blessing Linked to a Specific Prayer, Such as the Chaplet of the Two Most Sacred Hearts:

  • It amplifies the spiritual weight of the prayer, carrying the Pope’s intercession and blessing, enhancing its efficacy and fostering a deeper sense of divine favor and connection with the universal Church.
  • It serves as a public and personal affirmation that the intention aligns with the Church’s mission, reinforcing its legitimacy and importance within the Catholic tradition.
  • It can provide comfort, hope, and encouragement to individuals or groups praying for a specific intention, such as a sick loved one, a community in crisis (like our country), or a significant life event. In our case, the Chaplet offers benefits related to souls in Purgatory, healing, the antidote to COVID vaccines, and other particular or general intentions.
  • If a community prays for peace in a war-torn region (in our case, the war and the temporary seizure of power by the devil against our country) and receives an apostolic blessing for that prayer, it is seen as powerful support from the Popes in question—in this case, the saints John Paul II and Benedict XVI—deepening the prayer’s impact, uniting the faithful worldwide in that intention, and offering spiritual strength to those involved.
  • Remember, as St. Charbel told us through Mélanie, which also applies to Apostolic Blessings: the efficacy of prayer ultimately depends on faith, God’s will, and the alignment of the prayer with divine purposes.